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Arboreal camera trapping is a technique that allows exploration of a largely understudied domain: the forest canopy. The number of studies using this technique has increased in recent years; however, collating best practices and making them available to the scientific community will make data collection more efficient and effective. Our review paper “The potential and practice of arboreal camera trapping,” published in early 2021, summarized the scope of arboreal camera trapping research globally to date, including the systems and research questions to which the method can be successfully applied. Our study also provided guidance to manage the challenges of arboreal camera trapping. Numerous studies have been completed since the publication of our study. We have since updated our literature review through June 2022 on work that reports the use of arboreal camera traps. This includes the country and year of publication as well as the study objective, focal taxa and habitat monitored with arboreal camera traps. We continued to find one of the most common challenges of arboreal camera trapping to be camera placement and camera site access. We have produced a series of mini-guides to overcome these and other challenges, such as selecting the right camera mount, methods for placing cameras without climbing, climbing protocols and safety when placing cameras, and managing interference with cameras by animals in the treetops. We have also created a repository for arboreal camera trapping references on Research Gate to provide a resource as the field grows. We expect this information to be useful for future research that incorporates this method.


canopy ecology, camera traps, wildlife monitoring, conservation

Farah Carrasco-Rueda, Jennifer Moore, Kylie Soanes, Diego Balbuena, Erik Olson, Tremaine Gregory

Presentation within symposium:

S-47 The High Frontier revealed: Arboreal camera trapping’s potential to unlock the canopy’s mysteries

The potential and practice of arboreal camera trapping: A 2022 update


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