Communal territory management and its implications in the conservation of biodiversity in the Andes
Tue, July 12, 10:30 - 12:30 hrs, Room: 303
Dina Farfán Flores, Maria Echeverry-Galvis, Jan Baiker
Under the current scenarios of landscape transformation, communal territory management systems in the Andes show panoramas of threats and resilience; both of them have to be considered, in order to achieve strategies of coexistence of sustainable development of the original Andean societies with the conservation of the local/regional biodiversity.
The native-original communities that live along the Andean mountain chain have managed, transformed and used the landscape for thousands of years. Signs of it are, e.g., the famous Inca road system and the different edaphic and hydraulic structures constructed in order to improve the local conditions for agricultural and pasturing activities; many of them are still in use. In this geographic space, impacts on the natural system directly affect the quality of life of these communities; many of them still maintain a traditional land use management, and others are in a transition process, towards a more industrialized use. During the last decades, this socio-ecosystem has been submitted to major pressure, caused by different internal and external drivers of environmental and social change. The Andes are the cradle of important civilizations, hotspot of biodiversity, home of native-original communities, important reserves of mineral/mining and energy resources, and of key ecosystems for climate change adaptation projects; that’s why they are placed in a situation of (potential) conflicts, between political, socioeconomic and environmental interests. In this context, the native-original Andean communities haven’t followed the pace of changes in their surroundings and their cultural and socioeconomic organization system have transformed precipitately. This can be evidenced in their current territory management, what has impacted their natural environment, accelerating the patterns of back coupling/feedbacks between the social and ecological systems. The conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in the Andes is linked to the adaptation and resilience of communal territory management systems. Understanding and learning about the implications of these kinds of territorial management of biodiversity allows us to identify points of inflection for the articulation of the conservation of biodiversity as integral part of communal territory management, and to complete the current strategies in conservation.
Resilience from whom: understanding social-ecological key processes in the Andean region.
Sebastian Restrepo Calle*
Targeting socioecological resilience through integral communal territory management – A case study from the southeast of the Peruvian Andes
Dina Farfán Flores*
Participatory mapping of the multiple values of Nature’s Contributions to People in an agricultural area of the Colombian Andes
Robert Kockelkoren*, Sebastian Restrepo Calle and Martin Bermudez-Urdaneta
Current status and potential of community-managed bofedales as integral part of adaptation strategies to the impacts of accelerated climate change
Jan Baiker*
Underutilized and resilient to climate change food plants in high Andean communities of the Anta Province, Cusco, Perú
Maria Holgado*, Alfredo Tupayachi Herrera, Justo Mantilla Holguin, Gloria Calatayud Hermoza, Maria Quispe Ricalde and Daniel Paucarmayta Holgado
Land ownership history, ethnicity, payment for ecosystem services and the challenges of the conservation in tropical mountains
Edna Rincón* and Juan Benavides